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Bob Klimes

     Bob was a composer and musician whose remarkable talent for creating truly
beautiful work and is one of the great influences on Dabek’s music, especially in the
formative years. Bob’s warmth , sensitivity and great musical skill show through in
everything he creates, and he has published many scores, choral works, musicals, and
other compositions over the years. Included here are a few unauthorized recordings of
Bobworking on some of his projects during 1972. We hope he’ll forgive us but these are
some excellent examples of the wonderful talent and beautiful music he created.
Bob Klimes passed away in 2008.

Charles Merrill Norris

     Charles Norris is Dabek’s Great Grandfather and lived in the Saginaw Bay area of
Michigan. He had a music store for many years and was one of the excellent composers
who thrived in Saginaw’s Tin Pan Alley.  His publishing company, Norris Music, 
published many marches and two-steps and other piano and instrumental works in the
vein of the day. It is fortunate to have renditions of these pieces to present here as these
works have rarely been performed over the years. The pianist is unknown.

Alfred Wheat Norris

     Alfred Norris is Dabek’s Grandfather and wrote compositions in the early part of his
life. A truly talented composer who also wrote marches and two-steps and published
through Norris Music.  One of his compositions, “Saginaw ekjkl” was played by John
Philip Sousa and his band in Saginaw.
     Alfred Norris was a man of many  accomplishments. He opened the first Ford
dealership in Saginaw and ran it for many years, was very much involved with those who
were at inception of the horseless carriage industry, developed real estate, raised a
family of seven children and was one of the truly fine human beings with character,
sensitivity warmth and humor. His influence on Dabek was profound.

Erik Canyon Dabek
Erik is Dabek’s son and an emerging talent who is currently
studying music. His rendition of jsdiwojf is included
here. A dark and unusual composition which shows his
great perception of the sublety of his instrument and the a
sense of the composer’s message.