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About The 1960's

The 60's were an amazing time.  The world was awakening
through advanced communications, technology was on the
wing, many had differing visions of Camelot and how it was
to be achieved and a whole generation was about to
embark on its journey through the brave new world.  The
sixties saw the assassination of JFK, Martin Luther King
and Bobby Kennedy, witnessed the devastation of a ghastly
war in Vietnam, sparked the torch of civil rights, landed a
man on the moon, embraced a sexual revolution and
spawned a whole subculture of bohemian, experimental
souls known as Hippies who were largely responsible for an
explosion of creative arts and a shattering of the traditional
social mores as well as a political activism that swept the
country. The rest of the world was just becoming aware of
the great changes to come, but the U.S. was already well on
its way to a transformation that few could imagine.
In retrospect, it was a time of exploration and mind
pioneering that changed forever the way we viewed
ourselves, America and our place in the world community.