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This is the title text picture for the About the 1990's page
About the 1990's

The wheels of the universe shifted once again: another war
incredible technical achievements in all disciplines of science, a
shift from the Reagan-Bush era to the Clinton years, world trade
on a scale without precedent, economic growth this country
hadn't seen for forty years, an incurably romantic president who
made us realize we're all just human (by the way the word
comes from the Latin "humus", which means "of the earth"), a
generation called "X" (because they're such an unknown
quantity), and an increasing awareness of the urgency of
correcting our environmental mistakes (if it isn't already too
late). The nineties were a decade of research, quantum
realizations, moral quandaries, the power of litigation (I'll be
suing you), and the exciting, daring, scary, inevitable
technology that would change our world forever.