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                           Fred Bennett

Fred Bennett met Dabek at College Press in Burbank,
where they both worked in the printing industry.  After
working together awhile, they discovered a mutual
interest in music and production, and Fred had just
invested in a large amount of semi-pro and
professional recording gear. Between 1971-1973 they
got together for many recording experiments and
projects.  One project was developing some
commercials for a presentation by an advertising
agency known as Livesey, Ellis and Vince (see John
Livesey).  Another was a group of sessions emulating
the audio comedy of the Firesign Theater.  Other
sessions included “Greeny, The Christmas Tree
“(which is included in Special Music and in which Fred
did the voice for Greeny) and Sessions with Fred,
Dean and Tony which is included in Early
Collaborations. In addition, Fred engineered live
sessions with Dabek and the group “Chaind” and Bob
Klimes  (see Sessions with Chaind and Bob Klimes)

Artist’s Comment:
Fred was a great friend and compadre in those days.
He and I had a lot of fun together, exploring  various
musical and audio projects. It is with great sadness
that I found out (as I sought to gather all extant
recordings from the past) after not being in touch with
him for more than 25 years that he had passed on in
1999. Fred was always with humor and energy,
enthused by whatever project he undertook. He was
the Best Man at my wedding to Lynda, and a friend I
will always remember. It was with heavy heart that I
found that he is no longer with us.