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Arrival in Seattle was an awakening for Dabek in that
here was a city with a large “hip” community with artists
and freaks and people just looking for another way. He
bummed around for awhile, crashing at several people’s
different “pads” and went to audition for a gig at a club
down on 7th and Olive downtown.
The club owner Joe Koester thought the music was great
and Dabek became the house act for nearly two months
during the summer of 1968. It was during that time that
his twelve string style emerged and was a prolific time for
writing songs and giving audiences something a little
different from all the rest. He didn’t earn anything except
he could live in the back room of coffee house and could
eat a lot of free pizza. The club closed in August due to
financial difficulty, and Dabek ended up staying at Judith
and Sandy’s place for awhile, played at SkyRiver (went
there with a lovely gal named Cathy), lived in a room on
Cherry Hill, where he wrote and played until he hooked
up with some folks who wanted to promote him and sent
him to L.A. to work with an agent in January of 1969.